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Partner Programs

Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University

The Department of Family Medicine focuses on strengthening the impact of family medicine on the health and well-being of all people and their communities. Its team accomplishes this through collaboration, capacity building, and person-centredness.

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David Braley Primary Care Research Collaborative, McMaster University

Led by the McMaster University Department of Family Medicine, the David Braley Primary Care Research Collaborative (or PCRC for short) brings together the research, education and clinical care expertise of strong network of primary care leaders.


Health Sciences Education Graduate Program, McMaster University

This master’s program leads to the degree Master of Science in Health Science Education for health science clinical educators (physicians, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, midwives, physician assistants, etc.), and others who teach in health sciences education, research, and academic clinical care, and who lead in health care settings. 

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​McMaster Education Research, Innovation and Theory (MERIT) Program

MERIT is an Education Services program in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) dedicated to supporting the FHS departments and programs in advancing health professions education scholarship.

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Medical Education Data Connections

Medical Education Data Connections focuses on advancing the capacity for sensitive and responsive data-sharing in Canadian medical education research. Check out the Data Connection Twitter account here

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The FSG Medical Education Research Lab is a program of research within the McMaster University Department of Family Medicine and is a member of the David Braley Primary Care Research Collaborative.



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