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Selected Publications 

Grierson, L., Lee, M., Mahmud, M., Profetto, J., Sibbald, M., Whyte, R., Vanstone, M. A survey of applicant perceptions of an unexpected lottery-facilitated admissions adaptation. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 

Kulasegaram, KM., Grierson, L., Barber, C., Chahine, S., Chou, FC., Cleland, J., Ellis, R., Holmboe, ES., Pusic, M., Schumacher, D., Tolsgaard, MG., Tsai, CC., Wenghofer, E., & Touchie, C. (2024) Data sharing and big data in health professions education: Ottawa consensus statement and recommendations for scholarship, Medical Teacher. 


Burgess, R. Nyhan, K., Dharia, N., Freudenberg, N., Ransome, Y. (2024). Characteristics of commercial determinants of health research on corporate activities: A scoping review. PLOS ONE.


Chahine, S., Bartman, I., Kulasegaram, K., Archibald, D., Wang, P., Ross, B., Cameron, R., Hogenbirk, E., Barber, C., Burgess, R., Katsoulas, E., Touchie, C., Grierson, L. (2024). From admissions to licensure: education data associations from a multi-centre undergraduate medical education collaboration. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 

Chang, I., Yang, L., Elma, A., Ritz, S., & Grierson, L. (in press). A brief report of aspiring medical student perceptions and behaviours concerning research experiences for selection into Canadian medical schools. Canadian Medical Education Journal. Accepted May 5, 2023.

Vanstone, M., Cavanagh, A., Molinaro, M., Connelly, C., Bell, A., Mountjoy, M., Whyte, R., & Grierson, L. (2023). How medical learners and educators decide what counts as mistreatment: A qualitative study. Medical Education. 

Tolsgaard, M. G., & Grierson, L. (2023). The AI and I: A collaboration on competence. Annals of Surgery Open, 4(1):p e271.

Howard, M., Fikree, S., Allice, I., Farag, A., Siu, HY-H., Baker, A., Pereira, J., Hosseini, S., Grierson, L., & Vanstone, M. (2023) Family physicians with certificates of added competence in palliative care contribute to comprehensive care in their communities: a qualitative descriptive study. Palliative Medicine Reports, 4:1, 28–35.

Jensen, R. D., Brydges, R., & Grierson, L. (2022). Re-examining the integration of routine and adaptive expertise: there is no such thing as routine from a motor control perspective. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 1-9.

Correia, RH., Grierson, L., Allice, I., Siu, H., Baker, A., Panday, J., & Vanstone, M. (2022). The impact of ‘care of the elderly’ certificates of added competence on family physician practice: results from a pan-Canadian multiple case study. BMC Geriatrics. 22:840.

Grierson, L., Allice, I., Tong, X. C., Siu, H. Y. H., Mountjoy, M., Howard, M., Guscott, J., Farag, A., Baker, A., & Vanstone, M. (2022). Motivations for pursuing enhanced skill credentials in family medicine: A study of the Certificates of Added Competence in Canada. Family Medicine, 54(6):431-437.

Bayer, I., Elma, A., Nasser, M., & Grierson, L. (2022). Empathy for the health professional in online asynchronous graduate education: An initial design thinking approach to program improvement. Discover Education, 1(1), 8.

Brown, A., & Grierson, L. (2022). Two sides of the same coin: Quality improvement and program evaluation in health professions education. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 28(1), 3–9.


Tong, X. C., Hanel, E., Mahmud, M., Allice, I., Vanstone, M., & Grierson, L. (2022). The CFPC certificate of added competence (CAC) in emergency medicine: Reflections from current research on the CAC program. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, s43678-022-00302–00303.

Elma, A., Nasser, M., Yang, L., Chang, I., Bakker, D., & Grierson, L. (2022). Medical education interventions influencing physician distribution into underserved communities: A scoping review. Human Resources for Health, 20(1), 31.

Brydges, R., Fiume, A., & Grierson, L. (2022). Mastery versus invention learning: Impacts on future learning of simulated procedural skills. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 27(2), 441–456.

Yang, L., Chang, I., Ritz, S., & Grierson, L. (2022). Research experiences for Canadian aspiring physicians: A descriptive analysis of medical school admission policies concerning research involvement in Canada. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 151.

Barber, C., Burgess, R., Mountjoy, M., Whyte, R., Vanstone, M., & Grierson, L. (2022). Associations between admissions factors and the need for remediation. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 27(2), 475–489.

Hamza, D. M., & Grierson, L. (2022). Monitoring the integrity and usability of policy evaluation tools within an evolving sociocultural context: A demonstration of reflexivity using the CFPC Family Medicine Longitudinal Survey. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 28(3), 468–474.

Pieris, D., Jafine, H., Neilson, S., Amster, E., Zazulak, J., Lam, C., & Grierson, L. (2022). Understanding moral empathy: A verbatim‐theatre supported phenomenological exploration of the empathy imperative. Medical Education, 56(2), 186–194.

Vanstone, M., & Grierson, L. (2022). Thinking about social power and hierarchy in medical education. Medical Education, 56(1), 91–97.

Grierson, L., Allice, I., Baker, A., Farag, A., Guscott, J., Howard, M., Mountjoy, M., Siu, H. Y.-H., Tong, X. C., & Vanstone, M. (2021). Impacts of the Certificates of Added Competence credentialling program: A qualitative case study of enhanced-skill family medicine practice across Canada. CMAJ Open, 9(4), E966–E972.

Roberts, J. W., & Grierson, L. E. M. (2021). Contribution of retinal motion to the impulse control of target-directed aiming. The American Journal of Psychology, 134(3), 285–297.

Kalu, M. E., Ojembe, B. U., Akinrolie, O., Okoh, A. C., Adandom, I. I., Nwankwo, H. C., Ajulo, M. S., Omeje, C. A., Okeke, C. O., Uduonu, E. M., Ezulike, J. C., Anieto, E. M., Emofe, D., Nwachukwu, E. C., Ibekaku, M. C., Obi, P. C., & Emerging Researchers and Professionals in Ageing-African Network. (2021). Setting priorities for ageing research in Africa: A systematic mapping review of 512 studies from sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Global Health, 11, 15002.

Bracken, K., Levinson, A. J., Mahmud, M., Allice, I., Vanstone, M., & Grierson, L. (2021). Spiralling pre-clerkship concepts into the clinical phase: Augmenting knowledge transfer using innovative technology-enhanced curriculum activities. Medical Science Educator, 31(5), 1607–1620.

Grierson, L., & Vanstone, M. (2021). The allocation of medical school spaces in Canada by province and territory: The need for evidence-based health workforce policy. Healthcare Policy = Politiques De Sante, 16(3), 106–118.

Ezeukwu, O. A., Aguguo, D. C., Okoh, A. C., Okoro, G. N., Anene, C. D., Ekeledo, D. C., & Ekechukwu, E. N. D. (2020). Perceived readiness to practice among pre-clinical and clinical undergraduates of physiotherapy department in University of Nigeria, Enugu-campus. African Journal of Health Sciences and Technology, 2(2), 127–141.

Okoh, A. E., Akinrolie, O., Bell-Gam, H. I., Adandom, I., Ibekaku, M. C., & Kalu, M. E. (2020). Nigerian healthcare workers’ perception of transdisciplinary approach to older adults’ care: A qualitative case study. International Journal of Care Coordination, 23(2–3), 92–106.

Bakker, D., Russell, C., Schmuck, M. L., Bell, A., Mountjoy, M., Whyte, R., & Grierson, L. (2020). The relationship between regional medical campus enrollment and rates of matching to family medicine residency. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 11(3), e73–e81.

Akinrolie, O., Okoh, A. C., & Kalu, M. E. (2020). Intergenerational support between older adults and adult children in Nigeria: The role of reciprocity. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 63(5), 478–498.

Vanstone, M., & Grierson, L. (2020). Social power facilitates and constrains motivation in the clinical learning environment. Medical Education, 54(3), 181–183.

The FSG Medical Education Research Lab is a program of research within the McMaster University Department of Family Medicine and is a member of the David Braley Primary Care Research Collaborative.

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